(ABV 4.8%)

The term “session” can mean a lot of things in or out of the beer world.  When most of us think in terms of beer, we likely envision lazy river trips, sitting around the campfire, long conversations at the bar, and otherwise generally extended lengths of time with more than one glass or can.  Were we to perform these sessions with a 7% anything, most of us would not politely make it to lunch.  Though the light-bodied, heavy-hopped style of Session IPA is most welcome anywhere, we made this specific beer for an event called Run With the Goats, coined “Sufferfest” by one enthusiastic participant.  As a trail-marathon in which each runner must complete a pint at the beginning, and again after each lap, it is not the laziest session, but a session nonetheless.  Using just enough malt to obtain the body and alcohol content desired, and IPA proportions of hops, all along with a neutral ale yeast, we were able to land in a good place for flavor, and sustainable digestion.  Though this specific brand will probably fade until it’s brewed for the race again, we will strive to maintain a solid Session IPA for the draft lists in the future.