(ABV 5.1%)

At their inception, stouts were known as “stout porters”, and had a slightly higher ABV, and probably a bit more roasty, chocolatey, coffee-like notes.  The water in the town of Burton-Upon-Trent in England is famous for its water that seems to be perfect for making dark beers.  Chemically speaking, all we can do at Side A is adjust our water to emulate what profiles of the English region display today. 

Other than water adjustments, efforts are made to produce a dry bodied beer carrying the maximum flavor.  We landed at a good spot, and this stout gets consistently good reviews.  It's roasty, but not overly so, and has a balance of malty chocolate-coffee notes.  Hops don’t contribute too much, but there is a bitterness that pleasantly accentuates the dry roasty characters.  Sammyville Stout will likely stick around for a long time to come.