Fruit and beer have gone together historically for some time.  Whether through tablespoons of jam added directly to a glass, or within traditional spontaneously fermented varieties of framboise and krieks, fruit has its place. Examples abound, and Packed Bowl lands somewhere on the spectrum, though exactly where is a boundary still being defined throughout the industry.  “Smoothie” has been the variety label most coined to describe this beer, and it may just fit.  In the brief history of these beers, customers have been inundated with issues arising from poor shelf stability.  KEEP COLD DRINK FRESH should be a suggestion, not a necessity.  At Side A, we have developed a technique for producing a beer loaded with unfermented fruit in suspension with the same shelf stability as any properly produced beer.  And no, we don’t use any preservative chemicals.  While arguably the most expensive variety to produce, the enjoyment seen from those who “don’t really like beer” upon their first drink makes Packed Bowl and others like it a usual suspect for our draft lists. 

(ABV 7.2%)